January 01, 2009

my 2009 Dream List

WRITE it down and MAKE it HAPPEN!

but my roomie and i, made something different last night. instead of really writing it down, we cut out pictures, phrases and unleashed our creative talents by making a collage of the things that we want to achieve for this year of the ox. (we really had fun doing this)

here's me sharing to you my list and my pieace of art *grin*

and to really let Mr. Universe know that we are bloody serious about this LAW of ATTRACTION theme, we posted it in our pretty wall, so we could read and remind him EVERYDAY.



duke said...

hapi nu yir and goodluck with your resolutions. hehe.

Shutterfairy said...

believe for it works..

Aileen said...

this is the way to do it! i always believe that when you write down, post pictures of your dreams, the quicker the universe will conspire for you. =)

keep believing. =)
