December 07, 2010

The Art of Non-Conformity.

Have you ever thought of doing something unconventional? Something that most people would rather ignore? Something that you think impossible? Something that you are scared of?

I used to think that its impossible for me to travel to places I want to see. Even in my hometown, I was skeptical to visit nearby beaches and islands because they were too expensive for my meager salary. When I moved to Singapore for work, I found myself stuck in a place with less beauty. After less than 1 year, I realized i need to see other places other than this small country. So off I booked my first leisure travel abroad - Phuket, Thailand. That was in 2008.

Two years after and married, I am unstoppable. I've been to places so far listed in my Southeast Asia travel list. Yes, I have a separate travel list for each continents/region and the like :)) And I am still booking flights to my other dream places - islands in the Philippines, few more countries in Asiapac and another continent. 2011 sounds really exciting for me and my bestest travel buddy. We can't wait!

So, how is this related to my title? Because, i used to be the conventional girl. Some of my friends may find me strong in the outside but I am a fearful girl inside. The decision of working abroad was not even a plan more so a dream. I was very much contented with my clerical job and minimum salary back home. Then one day, i realized i need to do something if i want to go to places. So there, I landed in Singapore without a job but an overwhelming faith that I will soon get one. I left my comfort zone even if people told me my job and company was great. I chased independence away from my family even  if i don't have the assurance i'll get a new job in this country.

What I'm trying to say is, you don't have to live your life the way other people expect you to. If you don't decide for yourself what you want to get out of life, someone else will probably end up deciding for you. These are some of the philosophies I lived up to and quoted from this guy, Chris Guillebeau, author of The Art of Non-Conformity. I recently found out that this guy has been doing unconventional things. He wrote a book, traveled the world and shared to people his unconventional ideas. His website is now included in my daily read because he is a genius.

If you want to learn more, subscribe to his email updates and be inspired. As much as I wanted to share more of my non-conforming ideas, i would rather want you to read him first than make a fool of myself  :D.


Chris Guillebeau said...

Hey Yvonne! Thanks so much for the props. More importantly, thanks for sharing your own story. I hope to see you somewhere from the road. :)

vonskiea said...

Hey Chris, thank you for taking time to read! Appreciate it a lot ;)

If you come back to Singapore, let me know :D But really hoping to meet you somewhere else. Cheers!

Josephine Sicad-Minerva said...

There! im subscribed! hehe =)
Thanks for sharing your thoughts bff!
and totally hearing you out! *wink*
Carpe diem!
