May 18, 2011

Travel Blogging...For real!

Okay, I failed again in the "updating" department and missed a whole month of blogging :P Forgive me people because I've been extremely busy daydreaming and imagining my future travel adventures :))) Anyhoo, I'm back - alive and kicking some arse!

It got me to thinking that since I love being out and about discovering new places, why not make some serious business updating this humble blog?! Okay, I can hear you all say "yeah, right! or we'll see, for how long" :P Fine! But seriously, I want to keep you posted and share my little adventures. It may take awhile to really get a grip of this whole updating thing but I will definitely try and try :) Wish me luck!

So while I plan for our next trip, here's a photo of our recent beach weekend in Bintan Lagoon Resort. The whole story will be another post :D


Josephine Sicad-Minerva said...

despite many of your failure attempts indeed, i'm still cheering you on hahahaha go go go! post more!

jaL3e said...

and I will keep myself posted to this vonne! ^^
