About Me

Hi, I'm Yvonne. A Cebuana living in Auckland with my little family. If I'm not busy recruiting IT people, I get my hands dirty with my two little boys. I also wander and daydream to keep my sanity.

I want to see the world before I die! So the wanderlust in me is always on the look out for good deals a.k.a cheap deals to places I have in my bucket list. I have ticked off some of them in my list and added new interesting places. The list could go on until my body would not permit me to do so.

I love taking street photos of people during my trips. I want my photos to tell a story of the places I've been to and be able to connect with people. I am not a photographer but I want to someday put up a photo essay of my favorite place.

This blog is about my travels, insights, reflections and dream places. I prefer to write more about my experience of the place and the people. I don't normally give helpful infos of do's and dont's because I'm not good at it :D But I do hope my posts will help you in one way or another.

I love pilates, yoga, cycling, pretty things and inspiring people. I am hoping one day I could incorporate health and fitness in my travels. Perhaps join a pilates/yoga retreat or a cycling marathon :D

If you feel like sending me a message or two, feel free to get in touch at vhon101@gmail dot com.

"I will not die an unlived life. I will not live in fear of falling or catching fire. I choose to inhabit my days, to allow my living to open me, to make me less afraid, more accessible, to loosen my heart until it becomes a wing, a torch, a promise."

believer.wanderlust.sunset dreamer.hopeful romantic.trying hard artist.beach freak.loyal friend.family addict

Cheers to more travels and wanderlusting!
