Okay, we haven't really traveled to many cities across Europe and my husband only visited Spain but we both agreed that OUR favorite city is Barcelona :)
Last June 30, we celebrated our 32nd wedding monthsary, so I thought of sharing one of our favorite travel destinations. (And Spain trashed Italy at the Euro Cup Finals 2012. Viva Espanya!)
I remembered how the husband almost did not make it to visit this beautiful city when he initially didn't want to extend his leave from work. But when we set foot in our first city in Spain, he immediately decided he wanted to extend :D I can't blame him!
His decision was worth it! Although I traveled a day ahead, our excitement never died down. Actually, I was more excited to travel alone for the first time on an overnight sleeper train from Madrid to Barcelona :D It was one of those experiences for the books. ( I will share more about that later).
Barcelona was a refreshing sight to behold after our busy stay in Madrid. We felt more at home as tourists. Although, we've read that pick pocketing is massive in the city, we did not feel unsafe. Probably we were just very careful of our belongings and mindful of our surroundings. You get that kind of feeling when you've been traveling for a while.